Group Classes

Dog & Puppy Training Classes held in Markdale, ON

Most classes held at Annesley United Church

Puppy Essentials

Off-leash play and social time for puppies, handling, calming and fear prevention exercises. Positive associations with common vet clinic sights and smells.

We’ll also discuss house training, chewing, biting and more.

Age: Under 18 weeks at first class
Prerequisite: none
Duration: 3 weeks
Course Dates: Tuesday Evenings 6:30pm
Ongoing enrollment lets you start as soon as there is a spot available (max of 4 puppies per class)

Tuition: $75

Skills Learned:

Off-leash play skills
Polite Greetings
Resource Guarding Prevention

Attention Games

Settle Exercises

Classes held at Markdale Veterinary Services so your puppy learns to love the vet too!

Sit Stay learned in Dog Training class Markdale

Beginner Manners

Help your adolescent pup focus on you and make polite choices or teach your adult dog to respond reliably to cues.

All taught in a fun, supportive, force free way!

Age: 16 weeks and up
Prerequisite: None
Duration: 6 weeks
Course Start Dates: Wed Jan 15th, Wed March 5th
Tuition: $175

Skills Learned:
Sit, Down
Coming When Called
Leash Skills
and More!

Sit Stay learned in Dog Training Class in Markdale

Intermediate Manners

Practice previously learned skills with more challenging and realistic distractions. Learn new skills and techniques for real life use.

Age: Any age
Prerequisite: Beginner Manners

Duration: 6 weeks

Course Start Dates: Thurs Jan 16th, Thurs March 6th
Tuition: $175

Skills Focused On:
Impulse control
Advanced leave it
Distraction proof stay
Leash Skills and More!

Advanced Manners – Out and About

Let’s take the skills you’ve been working on into the real world!

Age: Any
Prerequisite: Intermediate Manners
Duration: 4 weeks

Session Start Dates: Will start again in the spring!
Ongoing enrollment lets you start as soon as there is a spot available (max of 4 dogs per class)
Tuition: $100

Skills Focused On:
Attention skills
Loose Leash Walking
Leave it
Come when Called
Sit to greet people (if appropriate)

Polite Greeters Club

Does your dog jump all over people when they greet?
Would you prefer they sit politely?
Learn how to teach this skill, coach others to help, not hinder, your training efforts, plus lots of practice time for you and your pup

Age: Any
Prerequisite: None
Duration: 2 weeks

Session Start Dates: Thurs Feb 27th
Tuition: $60

Skills Focused On:
Sit to greet people
Impulse Control

This class is for dogs that are over excited and happy to see people, not fearful dogs.

Dog with PawsUp


Agility for fun!
Let’s teach your dog to go over, through and around a variety of obstacles.

Age: Any age
Prerequisite: None. Dogs must be friendly with people and dogs

Duration: 3 weeks

Course Start Dates: Wed Feb 5th
Tuition: $80

Skills Focused On:

Movement and mobility
Mental enrichment



Tricks are a great way to build confidence, help with focus and are a fun way to train!

Age: Any age
Prerequisite: None

Duration: 3 weeks

Course Start Dates: Get on the waitlist! – We’ll be going virtual in the winter!

Tuition: $75

Skills Focused On:
Take a Bow

Play Group

Because playing is tiring, a great learning experience and so much Fun!

Age: Any age. Groups are divided based on size and play style.
Prerequisite: Must have attended a previous class with Furry Logic

Duration: Wednesday evenings, 45minutes

Course Start Date: Ongoing, get on the list

Tuition: $15/ night

Maximum of 4 dogs per group. Preregistration required.
*Group play is for dogs that are friendly with people and dogs

Prior to starting class be sure to review the Important Class Information so you know what to bring

Have an idea you’d like to see as a class?
Let us know!